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⇒ Read Gratis A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books

A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books

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Download PDF A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books

A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books

This caps off my Riftwar reading. I reread these books after 20 years of first reading them. I wish Mr. Feist would have attempted to get his world made into something more than books. It's been too long since the excellent well recieved video game Betrayal of Krondor came out. There could be a well thought out table top RPG game based upon this world. A movie...why not? It's full of action, characters you become attached to and a world full of potential development.

Read A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books

Tags : A Darkness at Sethanon (The Riftwar Saga) [Raymond E. Feist] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. An evil wind blows through Midkemia. Dark legions have risen up to crush the Kingdom of the Isles and enslave it to dire magics. The final battle between Order and Chaos is abotu to begin in the ruins of the city called Sethanon. Now Pug,Raymond E. Feist,A Darkness at Sethanon (The Riftwar Saga),Grafton,0586066888,Fantasy

A Darkness at Sethanon The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist 9780586066881 Books Reviews

Lizardmen! Dark Elves! Supermen with magic wanting back in this universe... no lie that’s all in there.
Very well drawn tale. Could not expect the twists and turns until they happened.
Very well written with interesting characters.
I finally bought this to finish the series, after reading the first two many years ago. While it was interesting to see how it all worked out, I can't say that it was really exciting, as it perhaps could have been, and as I had hoped.
I guess this would be my least favorite book of the Riftwar saga. The writing is top notch, with characters that are absolutely fantastic. The detail of the world's and between worlds, is original and creative. My only complaint was that certain plot twist were predictable and everything wrapped up in a happy little bow.
The last book in the much heralded Rift War saga.

What works Bringing back Pug and Tomas as main characters. These were the two principals in the first two books in the series (by far the two best books in the series). In book 3 they both faded to the background and the story suffered because of it. Kudos to Feist for bringing them back to the forefront.

Feist also does a nice job of tying the storyline of the last two books to the drama of the first two novels. In book 3 it seemed like two completely different story lines.

What doesn't Feist often makes his characters so powerful that he has to get them into ridiculous scenarios to create any sense of threat or danger.

Read it if you read the rest of the Riftwar Saga. The first two books in the series (Magician Apprentice and Magician Master) are by far the strongest in the series. But the last two books are entertaining enough to keep reading.
This was my second time reading this finale of the much-loved Riftwar Saga, and I have to say that I enjoyed it more this time than the first. It might just be due to lower expectations, but I think it may be partly attributable to slightly higher maturity and broader views on my part. Where before I was looking for action, action, action (which is still plentiful here), now I tend to enjoy the subtle character building and philosophical space-time explorations found here.

The scope of the story in A DARKNESS AT SETHANON is expanded massively when compared to its predecessor, Silverthorn, getting back to the more completely epic feel of Magician. Inter-planetary travel, history of the Chaos Wars and the Dragon Lords, and even time travel, are interspersed with your more commonplace swords and arrow, siege warfare, and politics. This book also brings back many of the greatest characters from the first book of the trilogy, including Pug, Tomas, Macros, and even Black Guy. While some reviewers have complained that the parts with Pug and Tomas, both of whom seem superhuman and unstoppable, were overblown, unrealistic, and unexplained, I'd counter by pointing out that you really do need such powerful protagonists to battle against an enemy like 'The Enemy'. As far as not explaining how the magic works, that is something that we should expect from Feist by now. You just have to accept it as it comes and not look for detailed explanations.

All in all, this book has it all. Emotionally connected characters like Arutha, Martin, and Jimmy (and unfortunately Locky), as well as the realm expanding adventures of Pug and Tomas. Highly recommended.
My wife and I love him and have bought all but one of his 30+ books that he has written in this world. We have both gone through all of the books now and the only book of his that we don't have is a special edition that is outrageously expensive. Love his story line, the world and his character development. To have the best understanding you need to start with the oldest book (and starting point of the entire series, The Magician). You can read them out of order but he goes through time with sons and daughters of the original characters and it makes far more sense if you read from the beginning. Feist is in a 3-way tie for my favorite sci-fi author along with R.A. Salvatore and Terry Brooks. For my wife its pretty much a tie between Feist and Jim Butcher.
This caps off my Riftwar reading. I reread these books after 20 years of first reading them. I wish Mr. Feist would have attempted to get his world made into something more than books. It's been too long since the excellent well recieved video game Betrayal of Krondor came out. There could be a well thought out table top RPG game based upon this world. A movie...why not? It's full of action, characters you become attached to and a world full of potential development.
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